Police get shot in Ariz. and farmers get shot in Ariz, but let a politician get shot and Congress stops doing important business and the Media is on it like flies to honey.
This photo is real. Why isn't this person with the sign "we will shoot more police"" not being arrested?
If you can look at this picture, read the sign and NOT pass this on . . . SHAME ON YOU!
Take a good look at the sign he is holding! Ok, all you pushing for illegal immigrants' rights.... Here is one of the reasons we have a problem with it. We are the ones that will have to pay for the welfare of these immigrants, depriving all of our natural citizens!! "Give us what we demand or we will shoot your loved ones".
This is only one of the several reasons the U.S.A. is falling apart.
"Get it Done, Arizona, you are in our prayers" !!