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 Outlaw MST's

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2 posters


Number of posts : 65
Registration date : 2012-02-09
Age : 42
Location : Spartanburg SC

Outlaw MST's Empty
PostSubject: Outlaw MST's   Outlaw MST's EmptySat Mar 24, 2012 5:21 pm

I finally made my decision on tires and went with the Outlaw MST. I haven't put enough miles on them to give a fair review but so far they have been an excellent all around tire. They handle great on the trails and don't have the thump you would think for an aggressive tire. I got in an area behind my house near a river that was swampy, i was actually thinking i would have to pull the winch lead out put they churned through with no problem at all. I have always ran ITP Mudlights and I am confident enough at this point to say i will never buy another set of the Mudlights. They aren't a bad tire but when comparing it to this tire, it just doesn't perform as well in the mud when you need it. Both are equal on the trail and i mostly trail ride but, when i do hit the mud i'm kind of partial to a tire that does a better job getting me through it without losing trail riding practicality. I will start posting some pictures of the upgrades soon. 2 thumbs up from this country boy.
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SSXSRider Staff

Number of posts : 16074
Registration date : 2008-02-26
Age : 51
Location : Louisville,Ky

Outlaw MST's Empty
PostSubject: Re: Outlaw MST's   Outlaw MST's EmptySat Mar 24, 2012 10:44 pm

I really like the look of the tire. They are on my "maybe" list. Thanks for the info allright
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