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 Iron Gap( Winchester TN) July 19th

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SSXSRider Member

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Iron Gap( Winchester TN) July 19th - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iron Gap( Winchester TN) July 19th   Iron Gap( Winchester TN) July 19th - Page 2 EmptySat Jul 19, 2008 4:04 am

Ya , and i just seen on the news there talking about pulling some troops
from irac and sending them over where you are. I hope ant no more shit
going to start over there anymore than it already is.... allright
I hope your stationed in a safe place.
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SSXSRider Member

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Iron Gap( Winchester TN) July 19th - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iron Gap( Winchester TN) July 19th   Iron Gap( Winchester TN) July 19th - Page 2 EmptySat Jul 19, 2008 12:01 pm

Guys please try to keep your posts on subject, this is the iron gap ride topic, other talk about other things should be done in a pm or open a new thread say on "Winter Riding" allright
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Number of posts : 32
Registration date : 2008-02-15
Age : 49

Iron Gap( Winchester TN) July 19th - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iron Gap( Winchester TN) July 19th   Iron Gap( Winchester TN) July 19th - Page 2 EmptySun Jul 20, 2008 9:08 am

That's alright.

It's ok i'm not hurt on the off-topic. There's worse out there that would offend me. Razz

Maybe we need an ( Military service thread). LT, thanks for all you are doing, no matter what you do you're putting your life in danger to protect us.

Had a good turnout for this ride, though a few who knew the area almost took the ride out from under me. Almost was to big of a group. And some ended up drinking way too much and starting stuff. But most were on their best behavior. We had one accident though, one guy from my town ran off a 12 ft embankment ( cliff) hurt his head, but we think he only had a mild concussion, he's lucky though, him not wearing a helmet and hitting the rocks and above that having a 700 lb artic cat roll over. Had another accident on the main road, but just a minor scrape, guys are ok and their wheelers are ok.

I probably won't be planning anymore rides this year. Gotta let others take the reigns for next time. Thanks
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SSXSRider Member

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Iron Gap( Winchester TN) July 19th - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iron Gap( Winchester TN) July 19th   Iron Gap( Winchester TN) July 19th - Page 2 EmptySun Jul 20, 2008 9:50 am

Glad the dude made it thru with nothing more than a headache. Helmets are always a good idea. Too bad some folks have to get drunk and start stuff. I prefer to get drunk and socialize. Looking forward to that when I get back.
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Number of posts : 32
Registration date : 2008-02-15
Age : 49

Iron Gap( Winchester TN) July 19th - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Iron Gap( Winchester TN) July 19th   Iron Gap( Winchester TN) July 19th - Page 2 EmptySun Jul 20, 2008 3:47 pm

The first accident the guy wasn't drinking, he just was new to the area and told me he got out of the way when others came up on him,( he moved off to the side and the ground came up out from under him. When I came up on him, we thought the worst has happened.

Lucky for him he'll be ok. I don't like mixing alcohol with gas, but some people like to drink a few( some know their limits). I don't drink, cause i know something would get out of hand and you can't get back some things. I ride for fun, socializing and just getting outside.

Here's some pics i took of the ride. I only was able to take a few, since my vid camera ran out of batteries. I'll post more as i can get them on the rides i get to go on.
Iron Gap( Winchester TN) July 19th - Page 2 2970081810086076385yCwLCG_th
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