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 WTB Steering wheel for 12/13 Rhino or a Viking

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SSXSRider Member

Number of posts : 335
Registration date : 2015-02-01
Age : 68
Location : Archdale, NC

WTB Steering wheel for 12/13 Rhino or a Viking Empty
PostSubject: WTB Steering wheel for 12/13 Rhino or a Viking   WTB Steering wheel for 12/13 Rhino or a Viking EmptyThu Feb 12, 2015 2:54 pm

I am looking for a steering wheel or atleast the center metal plate out of one for a 2012/2013 Rhino or a viking. I need to make an adapter for a after market steering wheel. Nobody makes one for these models and I am trying to not destroy my factory steering wheel, just in case if you know what I mean.
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WTB Steering wheel for 12/13 Rhino or a Viking
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