The Appalachian Scientist places a frog on a table and brings his scalpel and notebook.
The scientist says, "jump frog" and the frog jumps.
The scientist writes in his notebook, "Frog jumps on command".
The scientist uses the scalpel to sever one of the frog's front limbs.
The scientist says, "jump frog" and the frog jumps.
The Scientist writes in his notebook, "With one limb severed, frog jumps on command".
The scientist then severs the other front limb.
The scientist says, "jump frog" and the frog jumps.
The scientist writes in his notebook, "With two limbs severed, frog jumps on command".
The scientist severs one rear limb.
The scientist says, "jump frog" and the frog jumps.
The scientist writes in his notebook, "With three limbs severed, frog jumps on command".
The scientist then severs the forth limb.
The scientist says, "jump frog" and the frog does not move.
The scientist says louder, "jump frog" and the frog does not move.
The scientist yells "jump frog" and the frog does not move.
The scientist screams "jump frog" and the frog does not move.
The scientist writes in his notebook, "With all four limbs severed, frog goes deaf.