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 Some new stuff for the S

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SSXSRider Member

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Some new stuff for the S Empty
PostSubject: Some new stuff for the S   Some new stuff for the S EmptySun Feb 14, 2010 12:51 pm

Well, I finally got around to installing my EMP cab back. I had to alter it a bit to make it work with my modified cage. I took 2-1/2" off the top of the glass and also had to drill a couple of new holes to work with the rear upper crossbar. I was able to get it on without taking the seat out or the "S" bars off. It was a challenge though.
Some new stuff for the S RZRdoorrepaintandEMPCabback001
Some new stuff for the S RZRdoorrepaintandEMPCabback002
Some new stuff for the S RZRdoorrepaintandEMPCabback003

I also had to repaint my door skins. They took a beating at Wagon Wheel and nothing would take out the scratches and the big gash I put in the passenger side main skin. Embarassed So, I went with a textured hammered silver finish. We will see how it holds up. And for anyone running ProArmor doors, you will find the bolts that hold the skins on will rust almost immediately. You can make a little board like this one and paint all your bolts with some RustOleum and keep them looking nice.
Some new stuff for the S RZRdoorrepaintandEMPCabback004
Some new stuff for the S RZRdoorrepaintandEMPCabback005
Some new stuff for the S RZRdoorrepaintandEMPCabback006
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SSXSRider Member

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Some new stuff for the S Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some new stuff for the S   Some new stuff for the S EmptySun Feb 14, 2010 12:56 pm

Good Job LT...... cheers
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SSXSRider Member

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Some new stuff for the S Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some new stuff for the S   Some new stuff for the S EmptySun Feb 14, 2010 2:01 pm

allright Maybe stainless hardware for an option?
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SSXSRider Member

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Some new stuff for the S Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some new stuff for the S   Some new stuff for the S EmptySun Feb 14, 2010 3:08 pm

MarkM wrote:
allright Maybe stainless hardware for an option?
If the paint doesn't work, then that will be the next step.
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SSXSRider Member

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Some new stuff for the S Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some new stuff for the S   Some new stuff for the S EmptySun Feb 14, 2010 3:53 pm

Some new stuff for the S 431114
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SSXSRider Member

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Some new stuff for the S Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some new stuff for the S   Some new stuff for the S EmptySun Feb 14, 2010 6:01 pm

Cab Back is sweet. allright
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SSXSRider Staff

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Some new stuff for the S Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some new stuff for the S   Some new stuff for the S EmptySun Feb 14, 2010 9:12 pm

Looks good Chris.
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SSXSRider Member

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Some new stuff for the S Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some new stuff for the S   Some new stuff for the S EmptySun Feb 14, 2010 9:48 pm

clap clap allright
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Some new stuff for the S Empty
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Some new stuff for the S
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