Wanna know the best way to help save Pismo Beach from the whacko's at CBD? Attend a party!!
The Friends of Oceano Dunes "FoOD" is hosting their 8th annual "Save Pismo Beach" Crab Feed Fundraiser. FoOD is doing excellent work fighting the wacko's over at the Center for Biological Diversity, and the Crab Feed sounds like a BLAST!! Also, check out the raffle car on their website. George Wuerthner would have a cow!!
Greenie Hypocrisy Exposed in California
Isn't this nice? In a secret deal an oil company agreed to pay several radical greenie groups $100,000, in exchange for their willingness to lobby for drilling off the coast of Santa Barbara. The deal also included 3,900 acres donated to the Trust for Public Lands. Sheesh....
Oil Company Paid $100K to Conservationists in Deal
http://abcnews.go.com/Business/wireStory?id=9635356Read the whole sordid story here:
Excloo: Secret Agreement on T-Ridge Revealed
Greenies again target OHV users with yet another lawsuit in Idaho. No amount of closures made by the U.S. Forest Service seems to satisfy Idaho's "conservation community." Their latest lawsuit is against the new travel plan on the Salmon-Challis National Forest. This makes two ongoing lawsuits in Idaho against new travel plans, travel plans that CLOSED trails, I might ad. Rhetorical question of the day: will there ever be enough closures to satisfy these people?
Lawsuit challenges forest's motorized vehicle plan
http://www.nwcn.com/news/idaho/Lawsuit-challenges-forests-motorized-vehicle-plan-82516612.htmlLawsuit challenges forest's motorized vehicle plan
In somewhat related news, we have an object lesson from Virginia on what happens when the greenies get their way on FS travel plans. Lawsuit after lawsuit ends up concentrating OHV into teeny tiny trail systems, thereby actually INCREASING environmental damage. Naturally, there's only one solution for that.... close it all.
Forest Service closes Botetourt County's Patterson Mountain ATV trail system
We'll put this story in the highly recommended category. Its a Glenwood Springs Post Independent story that attempts to give the ohv/snowmobile perspective on the Hidden Gems Wilderness bill.
The missing facet of the Hidden Gems
Summit County fire officials wary about proposed new wilderness
They want to ensure Hidden Gems wilderness proposal doesn't create fire risks
http://www.vaildaily.com/article/20100122/NEWS/100129858/1078&ParentProfile=1062Also from Colorado:
Decision to Allow Motorcycles on Trails Near Rico Overturned
In the "how much Wilderness is enough?" category, we have a new Wilderness proposal for the Buffalo Gap National Grassland in Nebraska.
Sen. Tim Johnson backs wilderness designation in Buffalo Gap National Grassland
Forest Service shares plan for Siskiyou travel
Group eyes ATV routes near Florence
Bored of the day-to-day grind of the real world? Wanna get out of your daily rut and explore a completely different reality? Print the next story and settle down for a trip down the rabbit hole!!
Tester's forest jobs bill: Bill is true collaborative effort