BARF ALERT -- Latest "Puff Piece" on prominent wilderness activists in the lame-stream media...
Veronica Egan and the 'Great Old Broads' keep vigil over endangered wild lands.
New map outlines motor vehicle routes in Tongass
South Dakota Governor Mike Rounds opposes new Wilderness in Buffalo Gap Grassland
Rounds opposes Johnson's wilderness proposal for Buffalo Gap Grassland Gov. Mike Rounds has asked Sen. Tim Johnson, D-S.D., to hold off on introducing a bill creating a wilderness area on the Buffalo Gap National Grassland east of Rapid City. Rounds said wilderness designation for the 40,000 to 50,000 acres of the Red Shirt, Indian Creek and Chalk Hills areas in Johnson's proposal could lead to a disaster such as that being experienced in the Black Elk Wilderness in the central Black Hills.
Supes call National Forest's Travel Management Plan 'unacceptable' "It is apparent the Lassen National Forest has spent a considerable amount of time (since 2005) and money to produce an unacceptable Travel Management Plan," Keefer wrote. "There has been a serious lack of coordination with Lassen County. There has been an unwillingness to collaborate with the pubic to provide a more reasonable balance between motor vehicle access and environmental stewardship ... We are extremely disappointed that the comments/suggestions we submitted for the Draft Environmental Impact Statement were either ignored or not adequately addressed in the FEIS."
The increasingly radical Audubon Society is doubling down on its effort to eliminate humans from the last remaining public beaches in North Carolina, home to the Cape Hatteras National Seashore Recreation Area. In the news clip below we find the radicals at Audubon soliciting scientists to justify closing the seashore to ALL human use. The fine folks at the Campaign to Preserve Beach Access are fighting these foundation-funded radicals. Learn how you can help via their excellent website. Audubon solicits scientists to support closure
ATV trails spared pain of Colorado's budget cuts Longtime OHV Subcommittee member Gene King said ATV riders get a bad rap even though his panel's funds go to help clear lumber from multi-use routes, put bridges over marshy areas and repair drainage problems. Those projects keep riders and others from cutting their own, illegal trails, he said. "The environmentalists out there take a picture of one ATV rider doing damage and imply everyone is doing that," he said. "They're trying to fund their philosophy with our money."