H.R. 1996
To amend titles 5 and 28, United States Code, with respect to the award of fees and other expenses in cases brought against agencies of the United States, to require the Administrative Conference of the United States to compile, and make publically available, certain data relating to the Equal Access to Justice Act, and for other purposes.
http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=h112-1996COSPONSORS(19), BY DATE
Rep Bishop, Rob [UT-1] - 5/25/2011
Rep Thompson, Glenn [PA-5] - 5/25/2011
Rep Simpson, Michael K. [ID-2] - 5/25/2011
Rep Chaffetz, Jason [UT-3] - 5/25/2011
Rep Young, Don [AK] - 5/25/2011
Rep Tipton, Scott [CO-3] - 5/25/2011
Rep Denham, Jeff [CA-19] - 5/25/2011
Rep Conaway, K. Michael [TX-11] - 5/25/2011
Rep Rehberg, Denny [MT] - 5/25/2011
Rep Coffman, Mike [CO-6] - 5/25/2011
Rep Franks, Trent [AZ-2] - 5/25/2011
Rep Nunes, Devin [CA-21] - 5/25/2011
Rep Noem, Kristi L. [SD] - 5/25/2011
Rep Lamborn, Doug [CO-5] - 5/25/2011
Rep Duncan, John J., Jr. [TN-2] - 5/25/2011
Rep Pearce, Stevan [NM-2] - 5/25/2011
Rep Herger, Wally [CA-2] - 5/25/2011
Rep Flake, Jeff [AZ-6] - 5/25/2011
Rep Walden, Greg [OR-2] - 5/26/2011
If your Rep does not appear in this list of cosponsors find them here:
http://www.congress.org/congressorg/dbq/officials/?lvl=LThen please urge them to cosponsor and support this bill via phone, letter or email.
If they are on the list, please consider thanking them!