Found this info , thought I would pass along.
While it has been in the 'works' for a long time, it was with the work of the UP ORV TDA and all those that were in attendance of our March 19th Meeting at Northern Michigan University, that Rep Matt Huuki has introduced 4 new ORV Legislative bills. They are HB 5612, HB 5613, HB 5614, and HB 5615.
While it is GREAT that the new legislation has been introduced, this is just the FIRST STEP in a long process of getting the legislation into law. It is now in committee, and for all of these bills to move past the committee, we need the committee to SUPPORT them.
This is where we need you to not only send an e-mail in support of all 4 pieces of the legislation, we NEED you to get the word out ASAP and get OTHERS to PLEASE send an e-mail in support of the legislation.
Here is a 'overview' of the legislation, provided by Dick Ranney, who helped us with this legislation.
HB 5612:
Proposes that a county, township or municipality shall not charge a fee for ORV operation on it’s roadways under PA 240.
Proposes that a County Commission may open “M” roads to serve as connectors between ORV area’s, Routes or Trails designated by the DNR. Also to provide access to Tourist Attractions, Food service establishments, Fuel, or other services within a reasonable distance from an approved ORV Route or Trail.
Proposes that an operating headlight and taillight are not required from sunrise to sunset in an organized event.
Language cleanup by the bill drafter.
HB 5613:
Proposes that the Department (DNR) waive the event fee for those events with less than 75 ORV’s participating. Any group with more than 20 shall notify the Department as to prevent conflicts in the area being used.
Language cleanup by the bill drafter.
HB 5614:
Proposes that 10% of the annual generation of monies of the Recreational Improvement Fund ( RIF ) be directly deposited in the DNR Off-Road vehicle account.
Taken directly from snowmobile statue, a proposal allowing a County Sheriff to hire an ORV officer with basic certification.
A proposal to insert an AG opinion defining “Other Route”.
Language cleanup by the bill drafter.
HB 5615:
Proposal taken from snowmobile statue providing some liability protection for grant sponsors.
Proposal establishing a minimum fine of $50. for not wearing a helmet while operating an ORV. Maximum remains at $500.
Language cleanup by the bill drafter.
You can view the bills in their entirety as follows: Attached, you will find a sample letter to those House members on the Committee of Natural Resources, Tourism and Outdoor Recreation. Please
fwd. to all your ORVing friends.
Here is a copy of a 'support' letter with the addresses of those that we need the letters to be sent too.
E-mail support letters are very vital in the passage of any legislation. The following is a sample of what you may use in e-mailing all 11 members of the
House Committee of Natural Resources, Tourism and Outdoor Recreation.
Dear Representative___________________
After reading or having HB 5612, HB 5613, 5614 and HB 5615 explained to me, I fully support their content and strongly urge you to vote in favor of the bills.
12131415 Mystreet
Mytown, Michigan
Rep. Frank Foster, (R) D-107, Chair, Pellston, Rep. Matt Huuki, (R) D-110, Vice-Chair, Atlantic Mine, Rep. Wayne Schmidt, (R) D-104, Traverse City, Rep. Kurt Damrow, (R) D-84, Port Austin, Rep. Holly Hughes, (R) D-91, Montague, Rep. Joel Johnson, (R) D-97, Clare, Rep. Pete Pettalia, (R) D-106, Presque Isle, Rep. Harold Haugh, (D) D-42, M-VC Roseville , Rep. Tim Bledsoe, (D), D-1, Grosse Pointe, Rep. Maureen Stapleton, (D), D-4, Rep. Diane Slavens, (D), D-21 Canton Township , Time is of the essence, the end of this session of legislature is closer than we would like and it’s vital that we all take action immediately.